Category: Mundo Maya
The best Maya ruins to visit, #6: Kabah & Labná, Yucatán
“In Kabah & Labná though, we were the happy few. It felt as if we were the RE-discoverers of both these beautiful Maya-sites.”
The best Maya ruins to visit, #5: Quiriguá
“My visits to Quiriguá were mostly stops on my way to or from the Petén-jungle. The last time though, I stayed the night in Quiriguá with my wife & daughter. The next day taking a tuk tuk to the ruins. A little adventure in itself.”
The best Maya ruins to visit, #4: Palenque
“Beforehand I was already fascinated by the Maya civilization, but man… Palenque confirmed it all. What an impression this beautiful old Maya city made.”
The best Maya ruins to visit, #3: Tikal
“There’s nothing like a visit to Tikal. I’ve been there at least 5 or 6 times. Mostly during the years I lived in Guatemala. I didn’t live nearby, but worked in the area for a while.”
The best Maya ruins to visit, #2: Yaxchilán & Bonampak
“Since I was a young guy I cherished the wish to visit the Maya ruins of Yaxchilán & Bonampak. If possible on one single day.”
The best Maya ruins to visit, #1: Copán
“In Honduras you won’t find many Maya ruins to visit, but it houses the most impressive Maya site, namely Copán.”
The Best Maya ruins to Visit, A personal Top #15
The Number #1 Maya ruins to visit are those op Copán in Honduras. Not only for their beauty, but also because of what we already know about Copán’s past.
Intro: Visit to the Maya World or Mundo Maya
Hundreds of ruined archaeological Maya sites lay shattered over the former Maya World. Remnants of what once was one of the World’s greatest civilizations – el Mundo Maya – and one by one worth a visit. The Maya’s lived – and still live! – in the southern part of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, parts of Honduras…